Port Cygnet Sailing Club
Location: 145 Lymington Rd, Lymington TAS 7109
St Ayles Skiff Rowing
Port Cygnet Sailing Club has a very enthusiastic group of rowing members, with two St Ayles skiffs, The Swan and The Cygnet, active six days a week.
Both boats were built here in Cygnet by our members. These two boats are often seen out on the bay; rain, hail or shine and the keen following has greatly benefited PCSC membership.
St Ayles skiffs are kit built to a 2009 design by Australian Ian Oughtred, based on the Fair Isle and similar skiffs in use around Britain for hundreds of years. There are now around 200 boats world-wide. 6.7 metres long, with four rowers and a cox, they are a fast, stable and dry boat. To keep costs down, the design is simple – no sliding seats or feathering oars.
If you’d just like to keep fit, or participate in the occasional inter-club or even national or international competition, try rowing a St Ayles skiff at Port Cygnet Sailing Club. You’ll be welcomed by all club members – it’s a relaxed and friendly environment.
- Adrian Davis, 0417 634 905, rowing@cygnetsailing.org.au